Tuesday, December 31, 2013

60 and counting

When I started this quest, I originally had a little over 60 BBQ places on my list. My goal back then, two years ago, was to visit half of it.
Now, I have visited 60 restaurants here in the quest area, and 44 outside of this area, and I spent almost $1500 on it. That makes for a lot of red meat in the past two years - and for a lot of fun and great stories.
There are only a handful of places left here on my list - and I truly believe that I have assembled an utmost comprehensive list of BBQs in the Counties of Madison, Limestone, Morgan, and Lawrence. There are two reasons, why those few are still on the list - I have only limited time to do this, basically only every other Friday, and some of the places are more than an hour's drive from where I live; and secondly, I have shied away from some of those, because judging from the outside, they seemed not desirable to visit for me. 
But let's see what the future brings -  my goal for the new year is to cross out every entry on my list ...

Oh, and I have found a new quest, too. The newspaper blog AL.com ran an article about 22 Greasy Spoon Burger Joints you have to visit before you die (http://www.al.com/living/index.ssf/2013/11/22_greasy-spoon_burger_joints.html)  ... I read that article and discovered that half a dozen or so are in my neighborhood. So, while I do not intend to work through the whole list, those that are in reach are absolutely something I need to visit. And write about my experience, of course: http://greasyspoonsinbama.blogspot.com/


  1. Chuck Wagon in Madison, with New Market BBQ as a close second.

  2. Thanks, I've been to the chuck wagon, but I will have to try New Market BBQ soon.
